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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Beauty Behind the Struggles

Stepping up to a new journey is indeed difficult. You'll feel the pressure everywhere; from your friends who got a job already, your inner self, and to all the person who has a lot of expectation on you. It is true that there's no easy thing in this world, everything must pass through hardship but always remember behind all the hardship there was always a sweet success . Undeniably looking for a job is very challenging. When you apply and unfortunately didn't ace the interview you'll feel laden. Even if you know that you did your best, at the end of the day you will blame yourself because of being not the best. You started to overthink and there are so many what-ifs and maybes. But don't be discouraged, you didn't take into employment not because you're incapable but God had planned the best for you. You may seem struggling to get a job, but He's preparing you to catch the best. That's why if you're praying to get a job, don't pr