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The Beauty Behind the Struggles

Stepping up to a new journey is indeed difficult. You'll feel the pressure everywhere; from your friends who got a job already, your inner self, and to all the person who has a lot of expectation on you. It is true that there's no easy thing in this world, everything must pass through hardship but always remember behind all the hardship there was always a sweet success.

Undeniably looking for a job is very challenging. When you apply and unfortunately didn't ace the interview you'll feel laden. Even if you know that you did your best, at the end of the day you will blame yourself because of being not the best. You started to overthink and there are so many what-ifs and maybes. But don't be discouraged, you didn't take into employment not because you're incapable but God had planned the best for you. You may seem struggling to get a job, but He's preparing you to catch the best. That's why if you're praying to get a job, don't pray just having a job but also pray that the company you will be working with will expose you to some different facet of the job; you will grow as a person and also have a healthy environment. If it's meant for you the door will enthusiastically open for you, and if it isn't it will pass you by. 

In looking for a job, if you've been rejected for how many times don't feel bad. It may frustrate you a little but don't take it longer. Don't be afraid to try again, everyone who stands after the storm will always shine at the end. Feel the frustrations but arouse the will of positivity. It's just that Mind over Matter. If you'll not stand and continually discourage from being rejected and thinking of not being hired, then that will happen. And if you'll think that you'll be hiring then it will happen. Likely, it is about the law of attraction; attracts the best, not the worst. Always remember that you need to show the best of you during the interview, prayer will support you. You'll be entering the real world, but you can't be part of the real world if you'll not step up. Stepping up and having the courage will always be the key to conquer and be part of this fast-growing world. 

Being accepted in a company that appreciates you is always worth it. After all, you've been into failures and rejection but you managed to stand and bravely faced the pressure from your friend, family, and the company itself. All the frustration, silent cry, and the pain will be changed by happiness, being grateful, and accomplished. The excitement you feel will rouse again. Receiving the list of all the requirements you need to comply with will brighten you. But it's another thing you need to worry about. Complying with all the requirements needed is absolutely tiring. Waking up early is the one thing it's really hard to do, you want to sleep more but you need to comply. You'll spend more time in a line for your queue, the hunger will strike you and your energy will start to decline but in the end, it's fulfilling.

To all job-seeker, don't give up! It may didn't go as you want, but it will likely turn as what you really loved. Always remember that in whatever battle you'll struggling you're not alone, but you're the only one who will help yourself. In this real-world, you need to step up and gather the courage to survive. It's better to try hard than cowardly wanting to get a job but doing nothing. Believed in yourself and give your best shot always. Pray. Pray. Pray! Surrender to the Lord and trust the process.


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