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9 Tips for Healthy Relationship

It really takes time and effort to build a strong relationship. There were times that problems will come to test both of you and determine your trust, commitment, love, and your maturity to handle a serious and strong relationship. But then, If you surpassed it together then it will make your relationship stronger and no problem can set you apart because you will face and solve it together.

A strong relationship is like a house that builds with a strong foundation. As houses build, it has a component that will make the foundation strong. In love, there are also secret essentials for a strong relationship, this tips that I'm going to share that really works for me and my partner.

Here are the secret essential to have a strong relationship:

1. Let God the center of your relationship.

This is the most important essential in a relationship, this will make your relationship stronger because if you trust your relationship to God, He will surely guide you both in the right path. Make God the center of your relationship by making time together to go to church and attend the mass, glorified and praised Him and always pray not to ask, but thanked God for keeping your relationship intact. I believed that couples that praised and glorified the Lord together stay forever.

2. Open Communication.

It is a MUST have open communication. Open communication is being honest and transparent with your partner. Saying what you really mean and what you feel can avoid conflicts because relationships are about connection.

3. Be Sensitive.

It is having emotional empathy, meaning you put yourself in the shoes of your partner. So, a couple should be sensitive enough to be attentive to their emotions and vulnerabilities respond positively to the situation.

4. Stay Committed.

Being knowingly committed is you choose to love, respect, care, and spend more time with him. And if you're both serious about your relationship it will build a strong foundation of relationship both of you will be better.

5. Understand each other.

Be mature enough, not all the time you are the world of your partner. If your partner is not replying as fast as you want, let it be. Of course, he has a life as well. Don't start for a fight for nonsense, it won't help.

6. 48 hours rule.

If you had a fight, it would be okay to be angry and you need time to feel. But, don't make it until 48 hours to ponder, it is an unhealthy practice in a relationship. Before it reaches 48 hours, you should fix it as soon as you feel better.

7. Trust your partner.

You can build a good relationship if you have trust in each other, but of course, it is easily unearned. It also takes time and effort. Once it builds, it has a strong connection between you and your partner. You will feel reliable and confident he will not do anything that will harm your relationship.

8. Give each other freedom.

Before you become together, both of you have your own life. Always give each other the freedom to enjoy life with your family, friends, and relatives. Don't make each of you, controlling and dictating your life. Enjoy each other social life, it helps establish a happy and strong relationship. Be mature enough!

9. Make time for each other.

No matter how busy you are, no matter how loaded you are of the things that you need to finish, no matter how limited your time. Make sure to make time to have a talk with your partner. At least an hour for the whole day, to get in touch with your partner. But if you have plenty of time spend it on some quality time.

That's it! I hope these essentials will also help you to make a strong relationship with your partner. Always remember that there's no perfect relationship, but making your relationship healthy and strong it makes better.


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