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Guides to Save Money in College

Saving is the most difficult thing to do when you are in college. Aside from school fees, there are some unexpected expenses. Here are some guides to save money:

  1. Set a plan for saving. In saving, planning is important. Without a plan, you can't save because saving may depend on your mood. What if you don't feel like saving, what if you want to spend it already, you can't save with that. So, better make a plan before saving.

2. Have affirmation. It is important that you have discipline in saving and you decided it wholeheartedly. Once you set a plan and have already decided  the next thing to do is to;

3. Use the formula. Allowance - Savings = Expense. This formula is very effective when saving, after you get your allowance set apart your saving and fit the money for your expenses.

4. Set Priorities. Prioritize your savings if you can't prioritize saving then you can't save even the smallest value of money.

5. And lastly, Make saving a habit. 

Hope this guide will help you save money, not for short-term goal but also for long-term.

All pictures are from google. I do not own any of the pictures, credits to the owner! Again I do not own any of the pictures.


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