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17 Things I learned in Life

Life is full of surprises. Even in seconds, surprises can happen. In my 21 years existing on this earth. I already encounter a lot of surprises. My life is not easy for 21 years old and I never expected all those to happened in my life. One thing for sure is that all the obstacles I faced in my past made me stronger. It gave me a lesson that no one can't teach me even a teacher because the experience is the best teacher.

These are the 17 things I learned in my 21 years living:

1. Not all your friend is your friend. 

In this world full of toxicity people will use you to survive in this cruel world. Not all your friend you know is your friend. They act as a friend but literally, they will only use you for them to succeed. No matter how many times you helped them and refuses one of their favor, they can't remember all the things you did for them and they will only see the one you refused. They will start to talk at your back without even thinking about all the things you did for them. That's why when you reach in your adulting stage, you will only have few friends because you choose carefully who you will hang-out.

2. Health is Wealth.

In adulting, being healthy is a must. You will work hard in order to survive for your living. Take good care of your health as you take good care of your work because you can't grind if you're not healthy and sick. Eat more vegetables and fruits more and less fast food. Always give yourself a self-care day.

3. Adulting is Hard.

When college life will be ended soon, you will feel pressured. Responsibilities and bills will start haunting you. You will not able to receive an allowance from your parents because you are the one who will give them an allowance and it's payback time. Looking for a job is not as easy as you look for an internship. Living alone is not a joke and adulting is really not a joke.

4. Don't Give Up.

No matter how tough you've been through, giving up is never the answer. Learn to find a way to solve the problem. Always pray for the best.

5. Saying "NO" is Okay.

Not all the time you need to say yes. Saying no is fine, it's a sign of maturity.

6. Time is Precious.

All the things in this world, only time can't turn back. Make sure to make your time more productive. Seize every moment and enjoy, you'll never be a child and teen anymore. Don't waste your time spending on all the things that are not worth it of your time.

7. Skincare is a must.

No matter how busy you are, don't forget your skincare. Skincare is always a must, it helps you boost your self-confidence. Invest in your skincare.

8. Don't compare yourself to others.

Comparing is a sin. Everyone has their own unique characteristic and capability. Don't compare yourself to others because they're doing well, instead of comparing and being envious of them. Show them that your happy and proud. Everyone can do well as long as they want.


There is always misunderstanding in the family. They are some conflict, different views in political, government, doing work, and everything. But family is family and it's constant. They are the one's will always embrace and accept you in your downfall and rise moment. They will love you continuously even if you hate them.

10. Once you get a job, Love your job.

In this world, in order to survive, you need to have a stable job for your living. Love your job as you love yourself, looking for another job is quite depressing especially when you don't save for emergency fund. That's why always do the best in your job.

11. Everything happens for a reason.

Always expect for unexpected circumstances. If something happens against what you want, always think that in every situation there's a reason why it's happening. If you're struggling in life, don't feel bad because in every difficult situation there is always something good to happen.


Love yourself because no one in this world will love you as you love yourself. Prioritize and value yourself, always spend time to unwind. Taking care of yourself is loving yourself. There are many ways to care for yourself.

  • Feed your mind by reading and solving puzzles. 
  • Eat fruits and vegetables to nourish your body and skin
  • Spend an hour every day to stretch and exercise.
  • Treat yourself and many more 
13. It's not too late to start over.

If you haven't done the things you want to do in the past, always remember that you always have the time to do it. Don't feel bad and lose hope, always have the courage to pursue it. It's not too late for you to make and start over and over again.

14. Being alone is not bad.

You can do everything you want when you are alone. You can think of more ideas and imagine your future. You can enjoy accompanying yourself. You can enjoy a movie marathon, reading your favorite book with a cup of coffee. You are always recharged.

15. Happiness is within.

Stop searching and chasing your happiness. To fulfill your happiness you just need to appreciate things and contented all you have in life. You will feel the happiness within yourself small achievements can excite your life.

16. Complying adulting stuff is tiring.

Complying with all the requirements for work is very tiring. Getting valid IDs and certificates can drain your energy especially if you spend more time lining and waiting for your turn. But inside it's very fulfilling.

17. Decluttering is a must.

In my 21 years, 5 years of it is that I lived alone. In my 5 years, decluttering becomes my stress reliever. It feels good when your surroundings are clean, it gives you positive vibes throughout the day.

That's the 17 things I learned in my 21 years existing. The world has more to give for us to learn. You should learn and live to the fullest.


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