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A Guide to Finding a Perfect Apartment for Rent

Hello! I'm back for a new blog after months of not writing because I've become so busy with my job! The last time a wrote a blog is because I'm unemployed, but now I'm employed but our country was on lockdown because of the coronavirus. I prayed for everyone's safety and please stay at home to protect our front liners.  

Since I don't have work today, I manage to think about how to become productive today and decided to write a blog since it ages since I wrote the last blog. So today, I'm sharing you a guide to finding a perfect apartment for rent. Hope you like it!

When you start to live on your own, one thing you need to find once you get a job is a place to stay. This may not apply to everyone but for some who worked from the city where it is far away from their house, they need to look for a place to stay. 

Looking for an apartment is quite overwhelming. They are so many things to consider when looking for a place. It plays one of the essential parts of living on your own. Choose a place where you can save time, money, and effort.

In finding a place it involves some basic hunting skills and luck. There are many methods to use in scouting a house.

First is to know your income, this is the first step you need to consider. Allocate an amount of how much you can afford to pay the rent. Once you already set the amount for the house rent. You'll start searching for the apartment. In searching, the are many things to consider. One must convenient to all, you must look for the neighborhood where your job is. As I said, the choice of neighborhood based on what you can afford.

You can consult a consultant for looking at an apartment to make it easier but it will add up to your cost. For you to save some, you can find an apartment through online resources. You can also do the searching via social media by posting or joining a group that was looking for an apartment. You can post there and some will comment, it's up to you to choose.

In choosing, there are apartments with amenities some small appliances in the unit or all utilities included have higher rents, but the perks are better to bargain. Make sure in choosing apartment safety is the utmost priority. Choosing a small room with tight security is better than a spacious room but slack of security. Once choosing done, make a checklist you need to consider it. Below are the things you need to consider:

  • Water pressure - we have all know that water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted. Make sure to check the water pressure and get the right balance that all comes down to the pressure of water. Too high pressure of the water could cause a leak, too much low pressure can go hard in filling the pail. 
  • Check the cellphone reception - today, using cellphones is significant in our daily lives.  we rely on many things from it. Communicating with family and friends and even tracking the day-to-day task. So make sure, when you check an apartment try to use your phone by calling and texting in different areas of the apartment to make sure the reception is consistent with your standard.
  • Check the power outlet/electrical source - when you check an apartment make sure to bring some small appliances or charger to check if all the power outlet is working. Check if the switch of the light is properly working, and the brightness is enough
  • All the locks - make sure you don't miss to check if the lock of the door is working properly, if not you can ask the landlord to priority and fix the lock of all the doors for tight security purposes. Make sure it has a double lock since you'll be living there alone, make safety the utmost priority.
  • Take photos of the impurity - make sure to document all impurity of the apartment for the evidence even if it is a hole on the wall or any little impurity. If you didn't document it, there is a chance that you'll pay for the damage make sure to document it as evidence.
  • Check the neighborhood if it is convenient to all - you need to consider this on your checklist know what's the nearest mall, terminal, church, grocery store, and even wet market. In this way, you can live your life easier.

If you're looking for an apartment, I hope this blog will help you. So far, I've moved 3 times already from a different apartment because of my job. That's why I wrote this guide in finding a perfect apartment to share how I find the perfect apartment for rent. 

You can also read my blog about the Advantages of Living in Dorm. Below is the link. Thank you!


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