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It’s been a year since I graduated from college and almost a year being employed. I remember when I was in college, I badly wanted to graduate and find work to enjoy life but as of this moment, all I want is to be back in college where I can joy my life as a student.  During college, the only thing that worried me was how can I pass every subject smoothly, how can I graduate on time, needing 8 hours of sleep, and to lessen the intake of caffeine. I sometimes worry about the financial situation but I have someone to rely on for that matter. As of this moment, I’m literally living independently. When I said independently, I’m no longer getting an allowance from my mom, I’m the one who pays for my accommodation and bills. Yup, you read it clearly, bills are one of the things that worries me. During college, even though I slept late because of doing some school work, waking up not so early is the one thing I missed when I was studying. It really doesn’t cost going to school because it'

How to Shop a Groceries like a Pro

Quarantine season has extended and I'm getting bored because I can't help myself be productive. I decided to write a blog wherein every teen who started to live alone can learn from this. Actually, this was my experience for the 4 years living away from my family. Yes, I can't say I'm living alone because I lived in a dormitory, so technically I have my dorm mates yet I am on my own. I do on my own from budgeting, doing the chores, cooking, and even shopping for groceries. That's why today I will share with you how to shop groceries like a pro, wherein you will not be running out of food and can save enough time and effort.  So this is how to shop groceries  like a pro: Preparation First, before going into a grocery store, I will check first my pantry, (usually my pantry was a storage box since I'm living in a dorm) if I have enough stocks or what stocks do I need to shop. Once done, I will make a list so that I can't spend more time thinki

A Guide to Finding a Perfect Apartment for Rent

Hello! I'm back for a new blog after months of not writing because I've become so busy with my job! The last time a wrote a blog is because I'm unemployed, but now I'm employed but our country was on lockdown because of the coronavirus. I prayed for everyone's safety and please stay at home to protect our front liners.   Since I don't have work today, I manage to think about how to become productive today and decided to write a blog since it ages since I wrote the last blog. So today, I'm sharing you a guide to finding a perfect apartment for rent. Hope you like it! When you start to live on your own, one thing you need to find once you get a job is a place to stay. This may not apply to everyone but for some who worked from the city where it is far away from their house, they need to look for a place to stay.  Looking for an apartment is quite overwhelming. They are so many things to consider when looking for a place. It plays one of the essential p

8 Things I Always Have in my Bag

Hello everyone! I'm back with my new blog. I'm unemployed and that's why I had enough time to write. Writing a blog is part of my January goal, to at least upload one or two blogs. I rarely post a blog when I'm employed because of my workloads and sleeping became my escape at that time. This blog is about the things I always have in my bag. All the things that will be mention are the things that also I can't live without especially in my daily life. Like now, I'm unemployed and I don't have many things to do, but wherever I go I always have this. I've mentioned that all the things are for my daily life because I used it every day. Here are the things that always latch in my bag; 1. Book  - I always bring books wherever I go, I don't know why but I loved carrying a book inside my bag. It somewhat helps me when I'm in the middle of boredom. Also, when I want to spend my time, I'm equipped because reading a book is one of the "