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Showing posts from 2019

6 Things to do Every Sunday

Hello! I'm up for a new blog today. There are many ideas to post for my blog but I ended up writing the things I do every Sunday.  In a week, I have 6 days to go to work and only have a day to rest. Sunday is the only day I spend doing all the activities I want to do and even doing some household chores. That's why I always planned my Sunday on Saturday night. I have a very limited time to do all of it, but what can I do? I still need to work for my living. Here are the 6 things I do every Sunday: Clean the house. This is my main agenda every Sunday. I have an 8:00-5:00pm job, I don't usually have time to clean the house. As soon as I got home from work, it's too tiring that I only want to do is to rest. I reserve cleaning the entire house every Sunday. Cleaning and decluttering makes me feel good and refresh myself from stress. Do the laundry . Another agenda every Sunday. Since I have 6 days a week going to work, I don't do my laundry every o

5 Things Must Have of a Marketing Student

Hello! I'm back with my new blog. This is for every business student, specifically a marketing student. I was a marketing student way back 3 months ago? Yes, I'm a fresh graduate and right now I miss schooling. So today I will share to you the five things must have of a Marketing student. This is based on my experience in my 4 years being a marketing student. Other things may be optional but rest assured everything that will be mention is the key to make your entire college life easier When you're a marketing student you will encounter unending research, thesis, marketing plan, business plan, and feasibility. I can say that this is one of our fortes being marketing. Every course has a different level of difficulty. Other students from different courses always tell that marketing is the easiest course because according to them all we know is to look good. Well, part of it is yes because we're marketing people and most of the time, we are the face. We are the one

17 Things I learned in Life

Life is full of surprises. Even in seconds, surprises can happen. In my 21 years existing on this earth. I already encounter a lot of surprises. My life is not easy for 21 years old and I never expected all those to happened in my life. One thing for sure is that all the obstacles I faced in my past made me stronger. It gave me a lesson that no one can't teach me even a teacher because the experience is the best teacher. These are the 17 things I learned in my 21 years living: 1. Not all your friend is your friend.  In this world full of toxicity people will use you to survive in this cruel world. Not all your friend you know is your friend. They act as a friend but literally, they will only use you for them to succeed. No matter how many times you helped them and refuses one of their favor, they can't remember all the things you did for them and they will only see the one you refused. They will start to talk at your back without even thinking about all the things

The Beauty Behind the Struggles

Stepping up to a new journey is indeed difficult. You'll feel the pressure everywhere; from your friends who got a job already, your inner self, and to all the person who has a lot of expectation on you. It is true that there's no easy thing in this world, everything must pass through hardship but always remember behind all the hardship there was always a sweet success . Undeniably looking for a job is very challenging. When you apply and unfortunately didn't ace the interview you'll feel laden. Even if you know that you did your best, at the end of the day you will blame yourself because of being not the best. You started to overthink and there are so many what-ifs and maybes. But don't be discouraged, you didn't take into employment not because you're incapable but God had planned the best for you. You may seem struggling to get a job, but He's preparing you to catch the best. That's why if you're praying to get a job, don't pr

Advantages of Living in a Dorm

When I was in high school, I really wanted to study in the City and live in a dorm. Not everyone likes that because they will live away from their family, and it's really hard. But for me, living in a dorm and away from my family is an opportunity to become independent and recognized myself and explore the life of being alone.  Now, I've been living in a dorm for almost a year and it was like a dream come true. When you apply for college and choose the school that is away from your house, living in a dorm is an alternative option for you. If you are commuting and your travel time is about more than two hours and above, you should think of living in a dorm. Why? Because, in the Philippines, your greatest adversary is traffic. You spend most of your time on the road, and it's so exhausting than doing something. Here is the list of advantages you'll expect when you lived in a dorm: Proximity You can easily access going to your class, in the library or

9 Tips for Healthy Relationship

It really takes time and effort to build a strong relationship. There were times that problems will come to test both of you and determine your trust, commitment, love, and your maturity to handle a serious and strong relationship. But then, If you surpassed it together then it will make your relationship stronger and no problem can set you apart because you will face and solve it together. A strong relationship is like a house that builds with a strong foundation. As houses build, it has a component that will make the foundation strong. In love, there are also secret essentials for a strong relationship, this tips that I'm going to share that really works for me and my partner. Here are the secret essential to have a strong relationship: 1. Let God the center of your relationship. This is the most important essential in a relationship, this will make your relationship stronger because if you trust your relationship to God, He will surely guide you both in the

Guides to Save Money in College

Saving is the most difficult thing to do when you are in college. Aside from school fees, there are some unexpected expenses. Here are some guides to save money: Set a plan for saving.  In saving, planning is important. Without a plan, you can't save because saving may depend on your mood. What if you don't feel like saving, what if you want to spend it already, you can't save with that. So, better make a plan before saving. 2.  Have affirmation.  It is important that you have discipline in saving and you decided it wholeheartedly. Once you set a plan and have already decided  the next thing to do is to; 3. Use the formula.  Allowance - Savings = Expense .   This formula is very effective when saving, after you get your allowance set apart your saving and fit the money for your expenses. 4. Set Priorities.  Prioritize  your savings if you can't prioritize saving then you can't save even the smallest value of money.

10 Things I learned in College

Few weeks from now I will be graduating and will be facing the real life. In my four years in college it wasn't easy for me because of being irregular student. Every semester I have 9 subjects to take to be able to graduate on time. If you're a regular student, you only have 7 subject to take. The pressure and academic requirement was double for me.  Thinking that in few weeks from now, all my parents effort and support emotionally, physically and financially will be paid off. Of course, my sleepless night, effort, pressure, stress, and anything I suffered in my college will be rewarded. Aside from the things I learned inside the four corner of the school, I also learned something valuable that has nothing to do with my grades. These things I learned is from my experiences. Here are the 10 things I learned in College: 1. How to be independent. This is the first thing I learned in college because I'm leaving in a dorm. I lived miles away from my family. I am t

Skin Care Product that Work for Oily and Sensitive Skin

Hello! So for today’s blog it’s about skin care product that works for oily and sensitive skin. These products really help me to got rid those unwanted pimples and until now I’m still using them. All products are very affordable and available to some drugstore and Watson. Disclaimer: All the products I used works to me, and it may not works to you because we have different skin types. It all started when I’m in high school. When my face had breakout it depressed me to the point that I don’t want to hang out with my friends and go to school, but I have no choice but to go to school. I started to lose my confidence and I’m in my senior year in college right now and still gaining my confidence. On May 2018, I started to search for some skin care products for sensitive and oily skin. Finally, I found the right product for my skin. I am very thankful for this product because finally I can be got rid of those unwanted pimples. Here’s the product I used: Safeguard Floral Pink wi